We're delighted to welcome Heather Masters as a new therapist at The Bodywork Centre. Heather has been coaching individuals, businesses and entrepreneurs on and off for twenty years.
Heather teaches people who are facing or recovering from major life shifts how to get their aliveness back. Heather helps her clients work through loss, regain presence, build resilience, reconnect with their true nature and purpose and transform their life to doing what they love in a way that gives them time to live vibrantly and abundantly while doing it! She combines traditional models with the less traditional to form her own unique coaching process that helps achieve real results.
Heather will be available on Fridays at The Bodywork Centre to see individual clients. She will also be running workshops in the near future. More details and dates to follow.
For more information, please contact Heather through her website: www.lifeaftercaring.com or email: heather@heathervmasters.com